Panga Sanaa (2022/23)

Panga Sanaa Kenya, a fellowship program hosted at Sarakasi Trust, and co-developed by Masson Associates in partnership with industry experts in social innovation, organizational development and advocacy. 

The fellowship was supported by GIZ (the German Development Cooperation, Kenya Office) in collaboration with Goethe Institute. Built for action-oriented leaders of creative sector associations in Kenya, the program aims at strengthening the leadership and membership capacities of participating associations.


The program ran for 9 months in 2022/23 and involved the 10 associations from music, film, and digital arts with 3 fellows each.

The 3 pillars of the fellowship:

  1. Incubating action-oriented leaders from both young and fairly established associations by means of a tailormade curriculum
  2. Facilitating policy research and dialogue
  3. Providing infrastructure for the leaders to collaborate, exchange and grow networks.
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